council reports
Listed here are our general Council reports. These are broad overviews of our Council activities and include updates from the executive team as well as full financial statements.
annual report 2016-17
winter 2017
fall 2016
divisional reporting
Here you will find our Divisional Reporting. These documents detail each individual and group funded by Graduate Council. Learn more about what your colleagues are doing or get ideas for new events by going through these documents.
fall 2017 (travel only)
spring 2017
winter 2017
fall 2016
Safety & Security Survey
The Safety & Security survey was rolled out to all University graduate students in November 2021 in the wake of the loss of one of our students. The survey was designed to get the perspective of graduate students on existing safety and transportation resources, gather suggestions for improving safety on campus and in Hyde Park, and compile general feedback on public safety.
We received 1289 responses across all twelve graduate divisions to our survey, which is over 10% of the graduate student population. Therefore, this survey may not be representative of the entire graduate student body at the University of Chicago and may over- or under- represent some groups of students. The data was aggregated in this presentation and presented to University administrators for their consideration.